Sunday, March 29, 2020

Types of Tutoring Preparation Training Programs

Types of Tutoring Preparation Training ProgramsMost people are unaware of the fact that there are many types of tutoring preparation training programs available today. It's best to first of all get an idea of what each of them is about before you can really decide whether or not you want to enroll yourself in one. Each type of program is going to have their own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to evaluate them all on your own to decide which is the best for you.One of the top-rated tutoring preparation training program available is actually the real-life study program. You will find that this is probably the most effective form of training since it lets you practice the skills that you're learning with actual students.Not only will you be able to learn how to interact with other students and use different methods of instruction, but you'll also be able to apply the information you've learned from your studies to actual situations that may arise. The types of activities you c an participate in include short-term tutoring for a number of students at once, and long-term tutoring for a single student who needs extra help. This is by far the most flexible of all of the tutoring preparation training programs that are available.The next type of tutoring training program is actually a practice schedule that you can use at home. It's important to keep in mind though that this type of tutoring is still a lot like any other regular tutor would be. You'll still be spending a great deal of time talking to your students and instructing them about various topics, but your primary focus will still be on helping them learn and retain information. It is very important however that you keep a vigilant eye on their progress so that you can see just how well they're doing at following your instructions.Another type of tutoring preparation program is the one that is going to be similar to any of the other ones except that it will focus on either one-on-one or group instructi on. Since most of us don't have the ability to teach a large group of students on our own, this is a very useful tool that we can use to make sure that all of our students are properly educated. Once again, you'll be spending a great deal of time interacting with students, as well as using effective methods of instruction, but this is often a more time-efficient way to provide tutoring than either of the other types of tutoring preparation training programs.If you're looking for a way to provide tutoring to students for less than the price of even an individual lesson, then you might want to consider using the online tutoring training program. This type of program isn't much different from the others because it still requires you to spend a great deal of time teaching in person with your students. The main difference however is that you'll be able to use interactive web-based programs in order to provide your students with a far greater amount of information than you could ever prov ide in person.One of the main things to keep in mind when selecting an online tutoring preparation program is that you'll be able to work with anyone in the world. There are no geographic restrictions, so if you have trouble finding students in your area you're able to use the online program to supplement your income and that of your students. This type of program is something that can really benefit you both financially and personally.These are just a few of the different tutoring preparation training programs that are available. Although each of them is extremely popular with many students and tutors alike, it's important to remember that each of them has its own benefits and drawbacks. By finding the right one for you, you'll be able to receive the highest level of tutoring possible without having to deal with the problems associated with the other types of programs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

College Prep When Your Teacher Throws a Curveball

College Prep When Your Teacher Throws a Curveball When Your Teacher Throws You a Curveball There are many heavily dedicated students out there who are willing to spend any amount of time on homework and self-study in order to get straight As. If a student is given two or three days notice, they are willing to pull an all-nighter (generally not recommended), schedule extra time with their private Irvine tutor, or cancel social plans if necessary in order to impress their teacher and learn about the subject at hand (READ: How to Get an A Before the End of the Term). So what does that student do when thrown a curveball?                 Img Flickr user Charlotte90T The reality of college prep is teachers will occasionally hand out an assignment with a very tight deadline. Most students focus on why the teacher would do this; there are several reasons. 1. The teacher needs to meet certain guidelines from the school district. 2. It’s an AP class and the teacher wants to see if students are able to live up to the task. 3. The teacher doesnt view the assignment as essential to the final grade and doesnt feel   they have thrown their students a curveball. The most important thing for students is to understand how to practically deal with curveball assignments. Get on the phone and call your private tutor Many tutors are available for emergency sessions if the case presents itself. Students probably wont have their choice of time but having a tutor available last minute is really helpful.  Do your best The reality is if students look at the assignment and think they can earn an A if they have five hours to work on it over a period of days but only have 90 minutes tonight, they should just do their best (READ: 3 Warning Signs of Senioritis). Stressing one’s self out over one assignment will only make the rest of the assignments more challenging. Read the assignment; make a good effort to understand the questions and study. Your best is all you can do. Look for patterns in curveball assignments to save yourself stress in the future Students should look back through their folders for the last few months of the school year. On what days and what time did the teacher give out these assignments? Is it usually on the third Thursday of the month? Is it usually the day before a final exam? Is it usually after many classmates fall asleep in class? Most teachers have patterns of some sort; we all do. At the end of the day, every student will be given an assignment with a crazy tight deadline. The reality of advanced placement classes in high school is theyre just really hard. Theres no way around this but to get through it. It will, however, help students deal with the multitude of curveball assignments that will be thrown at them in college. If a student can handle this extra stress in high school, they can certainly handle it when they’re 20 (READ: Last Minute AP Study Guide). At the end of the day, the best way to deal with such issues is to be flexible, make a good effort, and then just breathe. If a student is hard-working and dedicated, things will most likely work out in the end. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. College Prep When Your Teacher Throws a Curveball When Your Teacher Throws You a Curveball There are many heavily dedicated students out there who are willing to spend any amount of time on homework and self-study in order to get straight As. If a student is given two or three days notice, they are willing to pull an all-nighter (generally not recommended), schedule extra time with their private Irvine tutor, or cancel social plans if necessary in order to impress their teacher and learn about the subject at hand (READ: How to Get an A Before the End of the Term). So what does that student do when thrown a curveball?                 Img Flickr user Charlotte90T The reality of college prep is teachers will occasionally hand out an assignment with a very tight deadline. Most students focus on why the teacher would do this; there are several reasons. 1. The teacher needs to meet certain guidelines from the school district. 2. It’s an AP class and the teacher wants to see if students are able to live up to the task. 3. The teacher doesnt view the assignment as essential to the final grade and doesnt feel   they have thrown their students a curveball. The most important thing for students is to understand how to practically deal with curveball assignments. Get on the phone and call your private tutor Many tutors are available for emergency sessions if the case presents itself. Students probably wont have their choice of time but having a tutor available last minute is really helpful.  Do your best The reality is if students look at the assignment and think they can earn an A if they have five hours to work on it over a period of days but only have 90 minutes tonight, they should just do their best (READ: 3 Warning Signs of Senioritis). Stressing one’s self out over one assignment will only make the rest of the assignments more challenging. Read the assignment; make a good effort to understand the questions and study. Your best is all you can do. Look for patterns in curveball assignments to save yourself stress in the future Students should look back through their folders for the last few months of the school year. On what days and what time did the teacher give out these assignments? Is it usually on the third Thursday of the month? Is it usually the day before a final exam? Is it usually after many classmates fall asleep in class? Most teachers have patterns of some sort; we all do. At the end of the day, every student will be given an assignment with a crazy tight deadline. The reality of advanced placement classes in high school is theyre just really hard. Theres no way around this but to get through it. It will, however, help students deal with the multitude of curveball assignments that will be thrown at them in college. If a student can handle this extra stress in high school, they can certainly handle it when they’re 20 (READ: Last Minute AP Study Guide). At the end of the day, the best way to deal with such issues is to be flexible, make a good effort, and then just breathe. If a student is hard-working and dedicated, things will most likely work out in the end. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

How to Write an Essay in a Foreign Language

How to Write an Essay in a Foreign Language So, you thought it was going to be a breeze attending that foreign school, or doing that language course, or working in another country right up until you had to write that first essay? Yeah, I hear you. It’s tough to write in a language that is not your own. Nonetheless, it is far from impossible. There are plenty of authors who became famous for writing books in a language which was not their first. Perhaps, one day you too can join that list! Whether that’s your goal or not, you’ll have to start somewhere and writing an essay is a good place to start. So how do you make sure that you can write a great essay in a foreign language? Change your views of mistakes If you’re used to writing only in your native language, then when you try to write in a language that isn’t your own, you’re going to make a lot of mistakes. That’s just the way it is. If you let that bother you, then you’re always going to struggle to actually get anywhere in that language. If, on the other hand, you see those mistakes as steps to getting better, then you’re going to actually learn how to write. Yes, it’s hard to see mistakes that way. But the truth is, if you read back anything you wrote for your teacher when you were just going to school, those texts were pretty mediocre as well. They were full of mistakes, probably didn’t go very deep into the topic that you were discussing, and probably slanted across the page. The good news is that when you’re learning how to write in a foreign language, you won’t make those mistakes. Your penmanship won’t suffer and you’ll also understand the underlying structure of an essay from writing essays in your own language. It’s only the grammar and vocabulary that you’ll need to learn. And that will go a lot faster! So embrace the mistakes and see them as learning opportunities. Get feedback Learning is a matter of action and feedback. That’s how a child learns to walk and that is how we learn to write. So help yourself by getting feedback as often as possible! There are a lot of ways to get feedback. You can ask your friends, or your teacher, or you can hire a tutor, or use an online academic translation services. Whatever way you choose, pay attention to what they’re saying and keep in mind what I said before about mistakes. Also, what a lot of students do when they get back a piece of writing marked in red is throw it in a drawer and never look at it again. That’s the way to make sure you learn as little as possible. Instead, check out the instructions. Even better, rewrite the essays following the instructions that you’ve been given. In that way, you’re going to be far more likely to internalize the advice. Use the online tools Another great way to get direct feedback that exists now is to use the many online tools out there. Most major languages now have tools that you can download which will point out mistakes and errors. If you use word, then check out Microsoft office’s support site and get the support for the language that you’re learning. This will hugely improve how quickly you’ll learn a language as you’ll get the feedback immediately as you’re making the mistake. And that will reinforce the right way to learn how to write something or how to use a grammar rule quickly. Of course, you should be aware that software can make mistakes. For that reason, if you feel that it’s not right, do ask somebody who knows their way around the language to check it for you. Otherwise, you might end up learning a language incorrectly! Read Another great way to become a better writer is to read a lot in the language you’re trying to learn. After all, native writers will know how to use grammar correctly. Initially, you might well need a dictionary to help you through â€" but the great news is that if you keep it up, you soon might no longer need it and learn to figure out what words mean from context. The great thing about reading is that you’re not just learning a language, but also another subject. In fact, there are some who say that the best way to learn a language is to use it to learn something else. Speak Also, don’t be afraid to speak with people. Watch movies, series and go out for a beer with people who speak the language. This might seem further removed from writing an essay, but the truth is studying a language isn’t going to make you fluent. For that you have to use it â€" and what better way to do that than to speak it? In part, this is down to something called passive and active vocabulary. We all have both. Our active vocabulary is the words we use. Our passive vocabulary is what we understand. If you study a language without speaking it, you’re adding words to your passive vocabulary. But from there you need to get them into your active vocabulary. And that requires you to use them, over and over again. There is no better place to do so than in a conversation (though writing that essay isn’t bad either). Rinse and repeat Learning to write in another language is going to take time and will be frustrating. But don’t give up. The truth is that the first stage is both the hardest and the least rewarding. That’s because you won’t have the neural network for the language well established yet, which means words will take longer to stick, while your limited vocabulary will make it hard to say what you want to. The trick is to stick out. If you can hold on, then eventually you’ll get past that. Then it will get easier and more enjoyable. And then not only will writing that essay become a breeze, you’ll also have the satisfaction of having done something difficult. And that can be worth its weight in gold. How to Write an Essay in a Foreign Language So, you thought it was going to be a breeze attending that foreign school, or doing that language course, or working in another country right up until you had to write that first essay? Yeah, I hear you. It’s tough to write in a language that is not your own. Nonetheless, it is far from impossible. There are plenty of authors who became famous for writing books in a language which was not their first. Perhaps, one day you too can join that list! Whether that’s your goal or not, you’ll have to start somewhere and writing an essay is a good place to start. So how do you make sure that you can write a great essay in a foreign language? Change your views of mistakes If you’re used to writing only in your native language, then when you try to write in a language that isn’t your own, you’re going to make a lot of mistakes. That’s just the way it is. If you let that bother you, then you’re always going to struggle to actually get anywhere in that language. If, on the other hand, you see those mistakes as steps to getting better, then you’re going to actually learn how to write. Yes, it’s hard to see mistakes that way. But the truth is, if you read back anything you wrote for your teacher when you were just going to school, those texts were pretty mediocre as well. They were full of mistakes, probably didn’t go very deep into the topic that you were discussing, and probably slanted across the page. The good news is that when you’re learning how to write in a foreign language, you won’t make those mistakes. Your penmanship won’t suffer and you’ll also understand the underlying structure of an essay from writing essays in your own language. It’s only the grammar and vocabulary that you’ll need to learn. And that will go a lot faster! So embrace the mistakes and see them as learning opportunities. Get feedback Learning is a matter of action and feedback. That’s how a child learns to walk and that is how we learn to write. So help yourself by getting feedback as often as possible! There are a lot of ways to get feedback. You can ask your friends, or your teacher, or you can hire a tutor, or use an online academic translation services. Whatever way you choose, pay attention to what they’re saying and keep in mind what I said before about mistakes. Also, what a lot of students do when they get back a piece of writing marked in red is throw it in a drawer and never look at it again. That’s the way to make sure you learn as little as possible. Instead, check out the instructions. Even better, rewrite the essays following the instructions that you’ve been given. In that way, you’re going to be far more likely to internalize the advice. Use the online tools Another great way to get direct feedback that exists now is to use the many online tools out there. Most major languages now have tools that you can download which will point out mistakes and errors. If you use word, then check out Microsoft office’s support site and get the support for the language that you’re learning. This will hugely improve how quickly you’ll learn a language as you’ll get the feedback immediately as you’re making the mistake. And that will reinforce the right way to learn how to write something or how to use a grammar rule quickly. Of course, you should be aware that software can make mistakes. For that reason, if you feel that it’s not right, do ask somebody who knows their way around the language to check it for you. Otherwise, you might end up learning a language incorrectly! Read Another great way to become a better writer is to read a lot in the language you’re trying to learn. After all, native writers will know how to use grammar correctly. Initially, you might well need a dictionary to help you through â€" but the great news is that if you keep it up, you soon might no longer need it and learn to figure out what words mean from context. The great thing about reading is that you’re not just learning a language, but also another subject. In fact, there are some who say that the best way to learn a language is to use it to learn something else. Speak Also, don’t be afraid to speak with people. Watch movies, series and go out for a beer with people who speak the language. This might seem further removed from writing an essay, but the truth is studying a language isn’t going to make you fluent. For that you have to use it â€" and what better way to do that than to speak it? In part, this is down to something called passive and active vocabulary. We all have both. Our active vocabulary is the words we use. Our passive vocabulary is what we understand. If you study a language without speaking it, you’re adding words to your passive vocabulary. But from there you need to get them into your active vocabulary. And that requires you to use them, over and over again. There is no better place to do so than in a conversation (though writing that essay isn’t bad either). Rinse and repeat Learning to write in another language is going to take time and will be frustrating. But don’t give up. The truth is that the first stage is both the hardest and the least rewarding. That’s because you won’t have the neural network for the language well established yet, which means words will take longer to stick, while your limited vocabulary will make it hard to say what you want to. The trick is to stick out. If you can hold on, then eventually you’ll get past that. Then it will get easier and more enjoyable. And then not only will writing that essay become a breeze, you’ll also have the satisfaction of having done something difficult. And that can be worth its weight in gold.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Common Questions About Online Tutoring

Common Questions About Online Tutoring TutorZ often gets a lot of question about online tutoring. Today, Alina decided to answer some of them. Q: How old should be a child to start lessons with a tutor online? A: It depends on a child. But I would recommend no earlier than 6-7 grade. Q: What to do if the Skype does not work (the computer microphone is broken, etc.)? A: To repair. There are no other options. Well, if you cant do it, use in-person tutoring. For example, it is easy to find tutors on the website TutorZ by selecting the appropriate parameters (online or in-person tutoring, subject, place). Q: How to pay for the services? A: To meet in person or use electronic money or any online bank system. Q: What is the duration of classes? A: Duration of training is determined individually. Here we must note that studying at the computer is more tiring for some people. Q: What is the cost of classes? A: Depends on the tutors skills. WARNING! If a tutor is willing to work for a small fee (or Vice versa the fee is very big), it is in no way related to his qualification. Here you need to carefully choose with whom to work. Q: Where to find a tutor for online tutoring? A:To find a tutor use, one of the best tutoring platforms. Hope, I answered all of your questions, if you have any other feel free to ask anything about tutoring in-person and online in comments!

High Marks Regents Chemistry Made Easy - A Quick Review

High Marks Regents Chemistry Made Easy - A Quick ReviewHigh marks Regents Chemistry made easy is a DVD program you can purchase in your local bookstore or on the internet. The program is considered to be one of the very best high school chemistry education DVDs available, with a number of advantages that make it worth your money.High marks Regents Chemistry made easy teaches a way of solving chemistry problems that has been called the 'Regents' Paradox.' This program explains that almost all chemical reactions in the physical world have been used in one way or another. However, by trying to simplify these reactions to just two, people are often surprised at the huge results produced.It's not just Regents Chemistry that teaches this 'paradox' however. In addition to High Marks Regents Chemistry made easy, there are other ways of exploring these explanations. For example, one may look at solar photosynthesis, or carbon dioxide reduction in the atmosphere, or the operation of wind turbi nes. These are all fascinating topics to learn about, and you can learn about them and others in these programs.With Regents Chemistry made easy, you get an explanation of these topics in a way that is less confusing. In contrast, this is simply not the case with other chemistry education DVDs that you find online. This program is an incredibly simple way to learn chemistry, especially if you do not have a lot of time to study.One of the great things about Regents Chemistry made easy, is that it gives you an introduction to each of the topics, so that you will understand exactly what you need to know before getting into the actual system. Most people will not be able to understand what they have just read for longer than a few minutes, and Regents Chemistry makes this information simple. It is this kind of simplicity that makes it such a good program.The program also comes with diagrams for each topic, so that you can see how the parts fit together. Instead of seeing a number of rec ipes with a video, Regents Chemistry makes everything as easy as possible to understand. You don't have to actually see the video to figure out what it is, just read through the instructions.Finally, Regents Chemistry makes using the method of mechanical engineering easy. This is a very popular subject for kids who would like to learn more about the technology that surrounds us, but are not yet ready to choose a science major. By learning to understand how different materials react in mechanical engineering, you can save yourself many hours of wasted study.

Chemistry Tutor - The Psychology of Scam Artists

Chemistry Tutor - The Psychology of Scam ArtistsAre you in need of a chemistry tutor in Portsmouth? You are not alone. Finding a good quality tutor in Portsmouth is hard work. Unfortunately there are some that try to take advantage of the hard working students by trying to scam them out of their money.I want to explain how I feel the teacher's responsibility should be towards the student. It seems very clear, even if the student did not understand the lecturer correctly, it was still his responsibility to make sure the students learn.What about the physics tutor? The guy just went and paid for a degree and went to teaching college on the off chance that he could sell it. He then proceeds to show up to teaching college, do the job, get the job and then sends the students to another university to get a degree, only to send them back to teaching college to get their education.Now this principal owner wants to be involved with the students and to share his knowledge with them but does no t want to take responsibility. It's not the parents fault for sending them away, but it should be the responsibility of the teacher.If you find a chemistry tutor in Portsmouth that's not part of the teaching community, please advise him or her that you will not pay if he or she does not act properly. If you see this, tell him or her that if they do not correct their actions immediately, you will pursue legal action against them.Science tutors do not teach science, they are just managers of all the classes. Some professors are afraid to stand up for what they know is right and so they try to take advantage of students by scaring them with questions like:'Can you read?' 'Yes'. 'But why do you do not speak English in class?'

Learn to Draw to Develop your Artistic Side

Learn to Draw to Develop your Artistic Side Develop your Artistic Flair by Learning to Draw ChaptersGive Your Imagination Free Rein By DrawingExperiment with All MediaDrawing to Capture RealityGetting to the Heart of ArtThe notion of art is, by definition, an inexplicable, ephemeral quality.What qualifies as drawing art to one appreciative viewer might look like doodles, scribbles or random blobs of paint to even his closest friend.Until the Age of Enlightenment, any concept of art was thought to be in contrast to tangible, measurable disciplines such as science and nature.Since the mid-eighteenth century, when philosophical and intellectual pursuits became the vogue, art has been synonymous with beauty.Far from remaining stagnant, this form of creation has enjoyed many trends through the years: cubism, realism, impressionism and abstract, just to name a few.Can you think of an artist prominent in each movement?Through each of its incarnations, one constant remains true to this day: rendering any type of art means that the person wielding the graphite pencil, Conté crayon, charcoal or paint brush is expressing deep, inner thoughts and emotion.That holds true for any form of art: music, cinema, literature... not just drawing people, drawing animals or a serene watercolor landscape drawing.Each these media â€" every medium through which one can create art, has one fundamental, driving force: to communicate an emotion and/or message from the artist's point of view.The most amazing aspect of art is that each of us might have the soul of a poet or the eye of a painter.What about you? Is your inner artist buried deep inside, seeking a way out?Learning how to draw is a good way to develop your artistic sense and alter your relationship to the external world.You might find, through your sketching, that what appears in your drawings is simply the best of you.Find out the available drawing courses London here.By giving your imagination free rein, you too could design such fantastic landscapes Source: Pixabay Credit: Kellepicsyou, like so many others, seeking a n alternate reality?A more there reality?We're not saying anything against the selfie. After all, some of the world's most famous artist painted their own likeness.It is just that a fleeting moment in time, digitally captured and equally easy to delete, seems to mean little when compared to the time, effort and passion invested in capturing a pastoral scene at first light.And the skill required to execute such a work!To expand on the subject of skill, let us now consider caricature: satire in colour.The artist must have to capacity to observe the ironic quality of his subject, and call it forth, all while retaining the essential appearance.How to draw a chin particularly exaggerated, all while maintaining relatively normal features elsewhere in the face? Or a protuberant nose?A caricature artist sees humour just under the surface of everything. She would most likely enjoy a good laugh, and thus pours her heart into laughable depictions.Would your next step be to become a professiona l artist?An artist taps a deep well of emotion, from start to finish, when creating art.This evocative pencil sketch calls forth conflicting emotions Source: Wikimedia Credit: DaliGetting to the Heart of ArtIt is striking how a single work can affect everyone differently.Two friends, viewing City of the Drawers,  a pencil drawing on paper by Salvador Dali:“That poor woman! They took everything from her!”, says one viewer.Her companion opined:  â€œHow odd! He turned her torso into drawers!”Clearly, each woman had a different life experience, leading the first one to focus on the woman's pose and the second friend to marvel at the cleverness of the depiction.As you learn how to sketch, don't be surprised if your efforts meet with the same result.By refining your technique and defining your style; while you master step by step drawing and the use of negative space, you will find your sense and feel of art evolving.As it does, and as you grow artistically, you will find that the w hole world is yours to draw!Do you know about the connection between maths and drawing?

Finding Accommodation in Taiwan

Finding Accommodation in Taiwan Where Should You Stay in the Republic of China? ChaptersHow Can You Find Accommodation in Taiwan?Staying in Taipei, the Capital of TaiwanHsinchu by the SeaTaoyuan, Near the AirportThe Cities in Central and Southern Taiwan“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. - Izaak WaltonTaiwan is a country that, like most countries in Asia, is worthy of a visit. Taiwan is a sovereign state but it’s not recognised by the UN and is claimed by the People's Republic of China.With 23.5 million inhabitants who mainly speak Chinese, Taiwan is home to manufacturing. However, it mixes modernity, tradition, and nature.In 2018, 11 million tourists visited Taiwan, which was once known as Isla Formosa, “The Beautiful Island”.The population resides mainly on the western part of the island, by the South China Sea, with Taipei (9.2 million), Taichung (4 million), Kaohsiung (3.6 million), and Tainan (1.8 million) being the most populous cities.Are you looking somewhere to stay in Taiwan?Here’s Superprof’s guide to visiting Taiwan!You th hostelsHotelsHoliday rentsTemples and churchesYou can go on accommodation comparison sites like to find some good deals in Taiwan.  There are also good places to stay on Airbnb with entire flats available for £20 per night and discounts if you plan on staying a while.  For longer stays, you’ll probably want to rent and flatshare.Having a Taiwanese roommate will not only do wonders for your language skills. It’ll also help you to discover more about Taiwanese culture and history.You can also look for Facebook groups where people post ads for properties to rent in Traditional Chinese (and English).You can pay around £300 for a room in a flat with two other people.Find out more about why you should visit Taiwan.Staying in Taipei, the Capital of TaiwanSo where are you going to stay in Taiwan?Unlike what you might think, it can be expensive to rent in Taipei. This means that there's loads of demand and a huge gap between social classes.The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Ha ll is a popular tourist attraction. (Source: leechentou)Taipei, the capital city, which means “Tai[wan] North” in Chinese, is probably the first place you’ll once you’ve landed in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.  We recommend looking for somewhere near Taipei city centre next to all the popular tourist attractions:Taipei 101 TowerLungshan Temple (which was built in 1738 under the Qing Dynasty)National Palace MuseumNational Museum of HistoryPresidential Office BuildingNational Chiang Kai-shek Memorial HallTaiwanese night markets: Shilin Night Market, Songshan Night Market, etc.Shi-men TingHuashan ParkDaan Forest ParkXiangshan TrailIs the accommodation in Taipei too noisy or too expensive?Consider heading to New Taipei City, across the Tamsui River from Taipei.New Taipei City is home 3.9 million inhabitants and there’s a large choice of accommodation that tends to be cheaper and calmer than the options in Taipei. However, you will be further from all the attractions.It ’s nice relaxing in the Tamsui neighbourhood because it’s calmer than Taipei city centre.  Furthermore, Tamsui is by the sea at the mouth of the Tamsui River.  You could rend bikes and cycle down to Fort San Domingo, Shalun Beach, Tamsui, and Tamsui Lover's Bridge.Do you like hiking?Don’t miss your chance to walk along to Xiangshan Mountain for an excellent view of the Taipei 101 tower. There's also a mountainous region in the centre of the island that's perfect for keen hikers!Find out more about the best things to see and do in Taiwan. NingChinese Teacher 5.00 (10) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorraineChinese Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoyceChinese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicoleChinese Teacher £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KatyChinese Teacher £16/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YangChinese Teacher £ 18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChengChinese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHsinchu by the SeaWould you like to stay nearer the sea?We tend to feel better in open spaces than confined within a concrete jungle.  Hsinchu to the south of Taipei is one of the bigger cities in the conurbation.It’s home to Taiwan’s electronics industry with 115,000 people working in the sector. If you’ve had any electronics with “Made in Taiwan” on them, they probably came from Hsinchu.In Hsinchu, you can visit the following attractions:Night marketsThe Chang Ho, Chenghuang, and Bao Fu Te templesThe Eastern GateThe National Chiao Tung University and National Tsing Hua UniversityWhile it’ll be calmer than Taipei city centre, it’s still Taiwan’s sixth-largest city with 420,000 inhabitants.Find out about the best time of year to go to Taiwan.Taoyuan, Near the AirportAt the end of your stay, it might be a good idea to stay nearer the airport.  Nobody likes goi ng home at the end of their trip, especially getting up early and heading to the airport.The Shimen Dam near Taoyuan. You should definitely visit it towards the end of your stay. (Source: Juan00)Some of the most popular attractions include:Daxi Old StreetMausoleum of Late President ChiangXiao Wulai WaterfallYongan Fishing HarborTaoyuan Night MarketSanken Ecological ParkTaoyuan is home to 2.22 million inhabitants and stretches from the Dongyanshan National Forest to the sea with the international airport in the north of the municipality.The Cities in Central and Southern TaiwanIf you like travelling around, you could take the train to the south of the island.  Let’s have a quick look at the cities to the south of Taiwan.TaichungTaiwan’s second city, Taichung is on the west coast of the country and home to 2.78 million people. Taichung is the perfect spot for romantic excursions to Sun Moon Lake or Dabajian Mountain.Once you've visited Taichung, you have to go to Sun Moon Lake. (S ource: seancom)There are plenty of affordable holiday rents available on Airbnb.Don’t expect to find nice sandy beaches in Taichung, the coastline is covered in factories.You want to visit Taichung for the temples, night markets, and mountains.  Make sure you visit Taichung Park in the city centre, the city’s oldest green space.TainanTainan literally means “Taiwan south” whereas Taipei means “Taiwan north”.  Tainan is home to Taiwanese tradition, culture, history, cuisine, and Taoist temples.  It might be worthwhile visiting Tainan during the Chinese New Year as it maintains the local traditions and puts on quite the show.With 1,613 temples, Tainan is home to more Buddhist and Taoist sites than any other city in the country.  You should definitely see the Kaiyuansi, Zhuxi, and Fahua temples, the Grand Matsu Temple, Sidian Wu Miao, and Dongyue Dian. There are plenty of buildings that were constructed in the 17th century under the Qing Dynasty.KaohsiungStaying in Kaohsiung is the perfect compromise.  Kaohsiung is the third-largest city on the island with 2.77 million people enjoying the tropical climate.The Dragon and Tiger Pagodas on the Lotus Pond are two of the city’s most important monuments and in Kaohsiung, you can come across macaques in the Gushan neighbourhood by the Shoushan mountain.Kaohsiung, like most Taiwanese cities, is densely populated and industrialised. This does mean that there are problems with pollution.  You can enjoy a walk around Shoushan Mountain.After having visited Kaohsiung, you can take the train to Kenting National Park and stay in the Hengchun Old Town!If you’ve still got time, make sure you spend the evening in Hualien and visit the Taroko Gorge, another unmissable sight on the island.  If you're looking for more travel tips, check out the other articles in our Taiwan travel guide series before you plan your trip!If you'd like to learn some Chinese before you visit Taiwan, you could consider enlisting the help of one of the many talented tutors on Superprof! The tutors on the site offer three types of private tutorials to help you learn some of the language: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials are taught with one student and one tutor and tend to be the most cost-effective type of tutorial since every minute in the lesson is spent focusing on you as the student.Online tutorials are similar to the face-to-face tutorials but take place either on a call or via webcam. They're usually cheaper than face-to-face tutorials.Finally, group tutorials are classes with one teacher or tutor and multiple students. However, with group tutorials, you and a group of friends (perhaps the people you'll be travelling to Taiwan with) could get lessons for cheaper.Each different type of tutorial has its pros and cons and it's really up to you and your budget to decide how much you'll need to learn, how you want to learn, and what your budget is!

What is it LIke to Attend The Kings College

What is it LIke to Attend The King's College The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Caleb is a New York City tutor specializing in ISEE prep tutoring, Pre-Calculus tutoring, Reading tutoring, and much more. He is currently a junior at The Kings College in New York City studying Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. See what he had to say about his school: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Caleb: Since the campus is right by Wall Street, there is lots of transportation available to students. Most students use the subway. Due to the high security in the financial district, the location might be the safest in the country. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Caleb: Professors are amazingly open and available. Just last week, one joined me for a quick trip to Subway! Considering that many of my professors are world-renowned and often interview on TV or publish research the same day they teach class, I find it incredible that I can walk into their offices almost whenever I need to. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Caleb: Kings gives you the chance to live like an adult in New York City. Most students live off-campus in their own apartments with their best friends. Its scary at first paying bills and leasing apartments, but its also really fun! VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Caleb: I study Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, an Oxford-based multidisciplinary curriculum that does a great job integrating the practical and the abstract. Most students at Kings choose this major because it offers both stellar faculty and rare hands-on opportunities like my full-time internship at the United Nations last semester. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Caleb: Kings may be the only school in the world that offers a House system, and the system makes meeting friends super easy. Every incoming student is assigned one of ten houses each a collection of students who will team up to compete with the other houses on everything from basketball to drama to grades. Because of the house system, you essentially have around 50 friends automatically when you show up to Kings. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Caleb: Super helpful. My internships so far: United Nations, Columbia University Press, New York Historical Society. They have an unbelievable amount of connections. If you work with them, they find you work. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Caleb: The school recently moved to Wall Street from the Empire State Building, so its facilities are still developing. In general, though, the school has always maintained a healthy balance of study spaces and lounges. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Caleb: Kings is in the middle of New York City, so it can be the coolest location in the world if you make it that. Students are prone to stay near their neighborhoods or the school and get a limited perspective in the city, but if you get out and explore (like me!), the options are pretty much endless. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Caleb: The college is tiny: just over 600 students. Since it began less than 15 years ago, Kings has tended to almost double at an annual rate, and its population is still growing fast. At the same time, its size is great the way it is it implies small classes and friendships with pretty much every professor. It also means you know almost everyone. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Caleb: Professor Kreeft is a 75-year-old Philosophy professor who is famous around the world. He lives in Boston, but comes to New York every Wednesday to teach at Kings. Youd expect him to be detached and hard to talk to, but hes actually the opposite. I play chess or ping-pong with him almost every week! Check out Calebs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.